Step One..... again.

Back in 1996 I was in a band called Coma. It was my first official musical project duo that launched me into a life long love affair with my voice and making music.
My vocals cords began their training back when I attended weekly mass with my family, and even performed solo at the occasional sermon. This was followed by talent shows in my hometown such as fairs and school productions.
Once I hit college, none of this was of much importance (as seeing and being seen began to be top priority) and therefore this practice was limited to singing to myself when I was out at clubs dancing and people couldn't hear anyhow since the tunes were blaring so loud.
When I met someone who was looking for a vocalist at age 25, of course I auditioned and the successful four years of writing, recording and live performances that followed sadly came to an end. Without too much knowledge of the sequencing program called Logic 3, which was executed with an Atari (no not the video game, the computer) and an Ensoniq EPS 16+,

I set out to write my own stuff. My solo project (which remains) named ECLIPSUS lasted a couple of years.

As I tried to learn different programs like Cubase, Pro Tools, Reason, and Cool Edit, I enjoyed the cathartic results achieved through my art, as well as the sense of accomplishment when I finally felt a song was ready to be heard and shared. However one of the pieces missing was the collaboration efforts of playing with other musicians. Doing music on my own is fun, but I do love the "jamming" aspect of free flow melodies, harmonies and sound.

Throughout my musical journey, I've always loved to collaborate on different projects, from dark ambient, blues to alternative rock type stuff. Being in a band was, and maybe still is today, a luxury that not all "more established professionals and family oriented folks" can afford themselves as much, but the fact is that my passion for singing and making music has recently been re-awoken, again.
I just bought iLife '11 (from Apple which has the fairly popular Garage Band component and I can't wait to get lost in this new program and continuous adventure of mine.

It's been a while, years, since my rusty fingers have created. And my voice, well, since I've never actually stopped singing to myself (usually alone at home with the music cranked), it might not take that long before I'm feeling stronger than ever.
I guess one of my motto's after all is, if you love something set it free.
You know what comes next, and if it does, it's yours.


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