The human body is composes of approximately 70 percent water. About 20 to 90 percent of animal and plant tissue is also made up of water. This chemical substance we identify as H2O is critically important as its electrical and magnetic powers are essential to proper cell function, formation and productivity. We have a high composition of the stuff in our bodies therefore its continual flow in our system is vital. It is widely known that humans can survive a few weeks without food, but only a few days without water. It's not just a source, it is THE source. Its benefits also go beyond the accomplishment of regulating our metabolic and hormonal functions, but it also helps us look our best, including skin, hair and eyes.

Some of the many physiological purposes of water include:
  • Filling tissues to keep firmness
  • Transportation of molecules (such as for elimination) which in turn helps nourish the body
  • Facilitates blood circulation
  • Eliminates toxins
  • Balances pH levels (acidity/alkilinity)
  • Lubricates joints and often regulates body temperature
  • Surrounds and supports the brain as well as provides cushioning
 In addition:
  • Cold water showers enhance immunity, normalizes blood pressure and circulation, fights fatigue, rejuvenates and tones the skin.
  • Water suitable for drinking is filtered or is found pure and unpolluted. Drinking water is not our only main gain. We use it for growing food, cooking, washing, putting out fires, and just for the fun of splashing around or swimming in it. It is also a great solvent.
 Dehydration is something we certainly want to avoid, and the recommended medical amount of water we should consume daily is a minimum of one liter. This is of course in lieu of a persons height, weight and overall health. Since water is one of the liver's best friend (the "Eliminator"), there is usually no real risk of drinking too much water. Lets not forget also that about 20% of our water intake comes from food.

Our body doesn't only excrete water through urine and feces, but through sweating and exhaling through the mouth. So even though you think you are having enough water, especially in this heat wave we are experiencing in southern Ontario at the moment, you can be sure to down a couple extra glasses of the good stuff before bed to avoid waking up and feeling like a raisin.

On a more religious and philosophical note, water has for centuries (and probably for millions of years) been considered a purifying substance. Many religious rituals use it as a symbol of cleansing and initiation. As well, water is considered one of the four classical elements (air, fire, water, earth) or five elements in yoga philosophy (air, fire, earth, water, ether), or one of the five elements in Chinese tradition (earth, fire, water, wood and metal).

A Japanese doctor by the name of Marasu Emoto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masaru_Emoto is convinced that the molecular structure of water can be transformed or influenced through human consciousness. This can be achieved through the form of prayer, music or simply talking or writing words to a glass of water. Sounds suspicious? Well, Dr. Emoto has been scrutinized by many saying he has not enough evidence to support his claims. However, many years of research and convinced people around the globe give him much more credibility than might be offered by "the man". Many other studies include theories that electromagnetic sound currents are equally responsible for altering water crystal patterns. These are slightly different experiments than Emoto's, but they still deem the idea that sound changes the composition of water.
Another idea is that water has a memory. During homeopathic research, it was found that diluting a particular solvent over no solvent created certain reactions in the water. This theory was quickly dismissed by the scientific community, stating once again, like in the case of Marasu Emoto, there was not enough evidence to prove the later.

We have given water a chemical label, but how do we know for sure that it is not a living thing. My thoughts lean towards the ideas produced by Emoto and others like him. It seems very plausible that water could respond to sound and intention, and that it is a living organism. After all, don't we respond to things like nice music or caring words of encouragement? If we are made up of mostly water and we have these reactions, isn't it possible that our entire being is directly connected to everything that is around us, including noise, temperature and touch?

Lets discuss this more. Please send me your thoughts and additional information on this topic (because there is a LOT more on this than what I have covered here).


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