Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go (sing to the tune of Let it Snow)
About a week ago I was walking home with my four year old son from school when he calls me over and points out a tree. With amazement he notices that the tree is showing it's insides. It's in a stage of growth and the firm bark is still part of its structure yet it is slowing splitting up the tree. My husband and I have in the past explained to him that the bark is what protects the tree from the elements and keeps it strong, so if you see bark on the tree peeling you just leave it because this is what a tree does naturally as it grows.
I continued to use the parallel of shedding with that of a snake.
I said to him "it's like when a snake sheds its skin too, as it gets bigger it looses its whole coat in order to become bigger and stronger". I also added that we too shed our skin, little by little as we shed little particles of skin from our body, our hair falls out etc. AND THEN the really important phrase came out of my mouth before I even knew I was saying it "You see, we all have to shed or let go to grow!"
This was a particular epiphany moment for me, because even as a super simple concept like the one I had just said, it rang so true to me as I had just come out of a couple weeks of mourning.
So all the tears I had let go of simply allowed me to grow and become stronger. I no longer have to be in a restricting shell that keeps me a "sort of prisoner" of my own sorrow, I am free and feel lighter and now have more room to experience even more of what life has to offer. The infinite cycle. The life cycle. Sa Ta Na Ma. Infinite Life Death Rebirth.
I continued to use the parallel of shedding with that of a snake.
I said to him "it's like when a snake sheds its skin too, as it gets bigger it looses its whole coat in order to become bigger and stronger". I also added that we too shed our skin, little by little as we shed little particles of skin from our body, our hair falls out etc. AND THEN the really important phrase came out of my mouth before I even knew I was saying it "You see, we all have to shed or let go to grow!"
This was a particular epiphany moment for me, because even as a super simple concept like the one I had just said, it rang so true to me as I had just come out of a couple weeks of mourning.
So all the tears I had let go of simply allowed me to grow and become stronger. I no longer have to be in a restricting shell that keeps me a "sort of prisoner" of my own sorrow, I am free and feel lighter and now have more room to experience even more of what life has to offer. The infinite cycle. The life cycle. Sa Ta Na Ma. Infinite Life Death Rebirth.
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