Accept YOUrself, Forgive YOUrself

We're often quite comfortable giving helpful and caring advise to our friends who ask for it, or not, and when we are made to think about it, we see those words of wisdom to be quite truthful in what our core beliefs might be. Whether it's advise on dating and relationships, career or money, health and wellness, or any issue that 99% of the world come in front of the mirror with at some point in their life, we might have some useful or thought provoking ideas about them all. It's all well meaning when we are suggesting to our friend to ask for a raise or a vacation, or to loose the downer friend who almost always brings them down. But when we need a little boost, we often forget to give ourselves that same pep talk. Ask yourself the advice you'd give your friends.

Some days it's not quite as easy and it doesn't feel as simple. There are so many different ways for each one of us to interpret this, but at that particular moment when you're looking at that mile high to-do list, or whatever it is that seems to be spoiling the "mood" for the best day ever, don't forget to accept where you're at. Yup, right there and then say to yourself "I have lots I want to get done" or "it's ok if it's 8:30pm and I want to go to sleep", "I am happy with *blank* that happened today",  or "I do not need to exemplify perfection to anyone but myself, and I am perfectly imperfect!".

When you accept whatever the situation and forgive yourself for not having become a millionaire before you hit age 30 or Fill In The Blank, RELAX!! It's all gonna be ok anyway!
The same way you will pep talk your bestie or your brother, or anyone you love, remind yourself that it is just as good getting those same awesome and caring words from yourself than it is from anyone else. In fact, the more you accept and love yourself, the easier it becomes to forgive all the stuff that seems to bug you and then it doesn't really matter. What does matter is feeling happy, being kind to yourself and knowing that you are always there to support YOU!


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