New Years Eve Preparation

     So much can be said about New Years Eve that lends to what is to come in the coming year or what has been developing in the previous one. Reflection is a big one for me on this day and this introspective time lets me assess and critically feel out how I'm feeling about myself and my achievements and conduct. Introspection is thought to be one of the most important parts to being a great philosopher. Of course it's not the only thing that makes one, but being able to use rational and irrational thought to come up with new ideas, concepts, ventures, or explanations for what is around us in this crazy and exciting world can be priceless.

      Time is an abstract term that lets us fabricate a story, or lets us organize our experiences, and in the year that has just passed & the year that is to come so much can't be changed or predicted with complete accuracy. However, remember that our bodies also take on the form of what we have been nurturing not just our minds. One year is a long time. And although the more years you have under your belt the shorter one year appears, it is still 365 days, or 8760 hours, or 525600 minutes, or 31536000 seconds. No matter how you count it, rationalize it, or break it down, you will have the same amount of time to do many things, like celebrate, spend time with people, design, create, cook, or anything that you like to do.

     This is when I like to make a small list of what I would like to spend time on in the new year to come. On my list this year is:

1) Deepening my yoga practice
2) Finding employment in a wellness community
3) Making art
4) Reaching out more
5) Preparing for big change

     New Years Resolutions are pretty old fashioned but I consider these more like goals rather than "This year I'm gonna make unachievable claims that will make me feel terrible when I am unable to complete them" kind of resolutions.

     The one really nice thing about thinking about what you have liked and not liked in the past year is that you get the opportunity to eliminate or add those particular things and arrange them in any order you wish. We all have something that makes us a genius in our own philosophic mind. I believe today is a great time for me to reflect on what that is.

Happy New Year!


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