Health and Wellness
I was walking down the street the other day and noticed a sandwich board to a massage clinic with a saying that caught my attention. It said "Health is the destination, Wellness is the journey". I thought it to be pretty clever as health, whether it is good or not so good, is a state of being. We all have had times in our life where our bodies and minds were optimal (for example when we are young, and yes I do acknowledge that not all kids are perfectly healthy when born), this time when freedom of movement and little-to-no stress was a normal day. Some even experience this state of being at later times in their lives too, with the disciplined lifestyle that is demanded to reach this place. So yes, health is a destination. A place where we sometimes forget we are in, every moment of our lives This is where the journey part comes in. Ill-ness and Well-ness are the same, just at the opposite ends of that spectrum. And in every single matter in the universe, there are polar...